Rapid Personal Growth

Geek Psychology Coaching

What if things never change?

If things don't change, what are you going to continue to experience? Here are some of the most common problems that clients come to me for help with.

Remember that these problems are often connected to the deeper issues that you're seeing me for!

So, fixing one often fixes many others.

It's like finding the weakness that can topple the biggest of dragons - or the shortcut to get to the top of the mountain - or cheatcode to make the rest of the game easier.

Go ahead and imagine checking off the ones that are affecting you.

  • Poor diet and health

  • Poor sleep (insomnia or oversleeping)

  • Fatigue and depressed mood

  • Loss of pleasure in other activities (study, relax, practicing/learning new skills)

  • Continued negative thought spiral

  • Lack of trust in yourself

  • Low self-esteem, feelings of guilt or worthlessness

  • Lack of focus, constant distraction and doing the same things (NPC Life)

  • Cost of having bad relationships ("You're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely." - Jim Rohn)

  • Escaping and wasting time? 6 hours/week gaming is 288 hours/year (12 days). What could you do with that time?

If you don’t change things, what are you going to have to show for yourself in the future?

  • More money wasted on masking the issues

  • More time spent on perpetuating unfulfilling habits

  • More sleepless nights worrying about your future

  • More days wondering how to just feel ok with yourself

  • More days wondering about your purpose in life

  • Waking up someday regretting your life

Here Are the Most Common Issues I Help Clients to Fix

Although everyone is different, and the underlying cause is definitely different, here are the most common issues that I help people with.

  • Low self-esteem stops them from attempting to change things

  • Doesn't trust themselves because of past mistakes

  • They get distracted and stuck doing the same things and following the same routines

  • Low self-value keeps them in a fixed-mindset where things won't get better

  • Want to be valued for their actions and contribution

  • Being worried about what other people think stops them from even trying

  • Procrastination and lack of productivity causes years to go by with no change

  • Anxiety that they haven't learned to fix yet keeps them thinking about all the things that could go wrong

Lifetime Benefits

Remember when I said that fixing one problem fixes others? Here are the most common lifetime benefits that my clients experience by finally working with me and fixing their problem.

  • More Self-Worth – Enjoy the ability to congruently say “I love myself now” and say no to negative thoughts and habits.

  • Better Relationships – Get into relationships with people that you actually enjoy being around instead of people who you just tolerate or people who are bad for you.

  • More Skills – Start utilizing your skillset and talents so you don’t regret who you become in your future and feel like you've barely existed.

  • Improved Health – +5 to mental, physical, and emotional health. I think we all know by now that stress and depression are tied to some really nasty health issues like heart attacks, breathing issues, insomnia, low sex drive, overeating, and headaches. Isn't it time to start feeling better?

  • Save Money – Stop spending money on medication, therapy, and escaping reality. When you start taking life into your own hands and clear up the real underlying problems, you begin to realize how much you used to rely on band-aids to deal with the symptoms of an unfulfilling life.

  • Make More Money – Emotional intelligence (EQ) and self-control, are key to making more money. So, by improving your self-understanding and your ability to deal with emotions in a positive way, you are more likely to make more money.

    "We found that people with high EQs make an average of $29,000 per year more than people with low EQs. On average, every point increase in emotional intelligence adds $1,300 to an annual salary." - Travis Bradberry, Ph.D., author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0

  • On-Quest Living – Seek adventure, go on proactive questing, and control your life. Life is better when you have a quest that matters to you and gives you that spark - instead of just going through life to appease whoever might be around you at the time.

  • Less Stress – Stop getting discouraged because you know that you can handle whatever life throws at you and that you'll be ok.

    "Stress is caused by being here but wanting to be there." – Eckhart Tolle

  • More Confidence – Want to have confidence and trust in yourself? No more feeling stuck while looking for the right way forward.

  • Make More Progress – Get unstuck or get out of your way so you can move forward and accomplish more of what you really want to!

Here's What You'll Get...

Remember when I said that fixing one problem fixes others? Here are the most common lifetime benefits that my clients experience by finally working with me and fixing their problem.

Hypnotic World-Building

Hypnotic world-building is a system that helps you change your world by bringing your conscious and unconscious mind together to improve your life.

Hypnotic world-building is a system that helps you create the life that will make you happiest.

In order to make this happen, I offer some suggestions, recommendations, and guidance.

But ultimately, this isn't about what I think you should do. It's about helping you find what you should do.

The answers are inside of you—you just need a little help connecting to them.

Hypnotic Installation Track

I will give you a hypnosis track, based on a particular issue that you request support with. It might already exist from a previous client - or I can create it if it doesn't.

A hypnotic track like this is an invaluable resources, which you can use to improve your emotional or physical well-being. There's no extra charge for this service; it's included in the price of your session.

They can be used to help you sleep, overcome your fears, improve your self-esteem, strengthen your concentration, make exercise easier or more enjoyable, lose weight or assist in stopping smoking.

The hypnosis track will be emailed to you as an MP3 audio file that you can listen to on any computer or mobile device. It includes instructions for using it and I am always available via email should you have any questions about how to use it.

Your InfoRapid Personal Growth with Matt Sherman
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Looking forward to your success!

I'll email you with the next steps.